Can you tell navy blue from black?
According to the PSFK Future of Retail Report …
67% of customers who try on items buy them. Only 10% of customers make a purchase that they haven’t tried on. That’s why stores have begun to make changing rooms more attractive to customers.
Lighting is of course the key element in changing rooms, if you can tell navy blue from black you know the lighting is working. Then come the add ons. Mary Portas when launching her new shop for women is going to have fitting rooms with a choice of lighting modes.
Neither do changing rooms have to be static tucked away in a corner. Bloomingdales in Santa Monica have installed pods that retract into the ceiling.
Also of note in the same ‘retailtainment’ vein, the Topman personal shopping suite by Lee Broom.
More reading for changing rooms:
Specialty Fabrics Review about Bloomingdales

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