Ecommerce checklist
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If you’re setting up shop online there’s a lot of questions you need to have the answers for, here’s 80 to start with:
- Why do you want an ecommerce website?
- What has lead you to this decision?
- What are your expectations of having an online store? (turnover/profit, life change, more spare time/less spare time)
- What is your USP?
- Are you competing on price?
- Who are your competitors?
- Who are your current customers? (age, demographic, socioeconomic)
- What is you average basket spend?
- Where do they live?
- How/who will you drive traffic to it?
- What is your turnover/profit now?
- What do you expect the turnover/profit of the online store to be in year 2? (probably rule out year 1 making any profit)
- Where will you be advertising?
- Do you have a your social media strategy (beyond writing stuff to drive traffic)?
- Do you have a (permission based) customer database that you can email market to?
- Do you have an EPOS system, if so what data do you have, what can you export in what format?
- Does your EPOS provider offer a an ecommerce website development service of some sort?
- Does your EPOS provider offer website design and development? (Check their case studies, is the quality of their design up to scratch?)
- What accounting package do you use?
- Would you expect to be able to download sales data to integrate with your accounting package?
- How many SKUs do you hold?
- How many SKUs per product on average?
- Will you offer your whole product range/a subset or a restricted range?
- Do you want to have a search form on the website?
- Who will be responsible when a product is sold out for updating the site to unpublish the product (potentially out of normal working hours)?
- Do you have an established product/SKU coding scheme?
- Do you have a set of store policies/procedures that you can carry over to the website, e.g. reporting structure, daily sales etc?
- Do you offer warranties and guarantees?
- Do you want to offer promotion codes? with what sort of discounts?
- Do you want to show featured products on the home page?
- What countries will you be selling to?
- How will you fulfil orders?
- Who will fulfil orders?
- What carrier will you use?
- How will the products be packaged?
- Are you insured for losses in transit?
- What promises will you make, e.g. 24 hour delivery, free returns etc.?
- Will you use a different telephone number to your current one, e.g. an 0800 freephone number?
- Will your shipping be based on weight, cost or size?
- Is the delivery charge built into your cost or is it added at checkout? Will you offer free delivery above a certain amount?
- Who will be responsible for running and maintaining the online store on a daily basis (including after hours and weekends)?
- Who will write your content?
- Who will provide product photography? or do you have a decent enough camera and are proficient enough to take quality product photography?
- Do you have any software that you can use to crop and resize images before you upload them?
- Do you use a PC or a Mac?
- Who will provide product categories, descriptions and prices?
- Who do you expect to upload your initial content including products, us or you?
- How will product photography be provided?
- When you have a new product that needs photographing, who will do it and what is their turnaround?
- What other websites do you like and why?
- If you have a current identity do you want to keep it and if so do you have artwork and guidelines for its use?
- How do you expect customers to pay?
- Do you want to use PayPal or do you want to go directly to your bank account via a merchant account?
- Do you have a business PayPal account or alternatively an ecommerce merchant account with your bank?
- Do you understand the advantage/disadvantage of using PayPal versus a payment gateway that connects to your ecommerce merchant account?
- Who do you bank with? (this is important if you’re going to use a payment gateway as not all shopping cart software is compatible with all banks ‘out of the box’)
- Have you discussed this site with your bank?
- Do you want customers to have to register on your site?
- How many pages other than product pages will you need (e.g. about us, location etc)?
- How many products do you want to put on your site to start with?
- What are the categories for your products?
- Do you have a sitemap or navigation plan drawn up?
- Sites we build include weekly database back up, who is responsible for storing this (it’s sent by email every week)?
- Do you want your products to appear in Google Merchant Center?
- Do you want to send your products to price comparison websites?
- Do you intend your site to carry advertising of any sort?
- Do you have a domain?
- Where is your domain hosted?
- Do you want to continue with your current hosting set up?
- Have you bought an SSL certificate (necessary for secure transactions)?
- Do you have other online presences that need integrating into or setting up for the site e.g. twitter, flickr, facebook etc.
- Will you want a blog/news/updates page?
- How will you launch the site? quietly to one person at a time, with a party, or somewhere in between?
- What media routes do you use that will be useful to publicise your new website?
- What’s your budget?
- Why did you decide on that figure?
- How much have you budgeted for ongoing updates/marketing/maintenance etc.?
- Who will maintain and administer your website (inhouse, external, level of expertise etc)?
- Does your business need to be VAT registered? (Current threshold is £70,000)
- If your business will need to be VAT registered in the future have you included VAT (at January 2011 rates, i.e. 20%) in your cashflow projections?

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