Not sure if it was this week but anyway mydeco.com has launched in beta. There’s a review of the site at e-consultancy since I haven’t really had time to delve very deeply yet. A couple of interesting things to note. 500 retailers are signed up with over 1.4 million products available, that’s some online store. Also once signed up you can design ‘public’ rooms’ where every time someone buys a product that is listed in one of your public room designs, they’ll give you at least 3% of the value of the item they buy.
Since I may be moving house soon this comes at the right time. An opportunity to choose some new furniture and maybe make some pocket money through an affiliate scheme.
Mydeco.com follows Osoyou.com in creating websites where content, usability, functionality and sociality are prime considerations. Something the plethora of traditional retailers with little or no online retail could learn from.
We’re designing 4 websites at the moment (at the last count) that all include some sort of social commerce and social network, so here’s some timely research from e-consultancy.
My key outtakes …
- More than half of UK online customers say reviews are extremely or very important in making an online purchase.
- More than half of all online sellers (51%) consider User Generated Content (UGC) as either extremely important or very important to company strategy over the next year.
- Customer ratings and reviews are being used by 28% of online sellers, with more than half (52%) saying that they were considering the use of this feature on their websites.
- The most widely perceived benefit of ratings and reviews among online sellers is an improvement in site conversion rates, improved customer retention and loyalty, and better search engine optimisation.
- The overwhelming majority of survey respondents (97%) said that they found ratings and reviews either extremely helpful or very helpful “as consumers”.
Meanwhile in the ‘real’ world nearly two thirds of fashion retailers still don’t have a transactional website. I know, I know I really must find something new to wang on about.
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