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From Dezeen an article well worth a browse of the new Liberty of London boutique by the Paris based architects, Pierre Buecler and Jean-Christophe Poggioli. While the middle ground is suffering, Marks & Spencer and John Lewis for example, there still seems a lot of money left to make in the luxury end of the market as well as other opportunities for growth as shown by asos.

As oil hits $145 a barrel on it’s never ending upward trend, a new kind of ecommerce appears, Hedge Retail. Buy your produce online, probably using credit, and then use what you’ve bought over whatever period of time suits you. The first one of these I’ve noticed (and I’d like to see if there’s any more) is MyGallons.com, a US site where you can buy ‘tomorrow’s gas at today’s prices’. An interesting concept that could work across a great many commodity and product areas. Next step will be a trading site where you can sell your stuff at marked up prices. We’re all designers, we’re all marketers, we’re all retailers. Just depends how good you are.

At long last a value retailer is going online with a transactional website.
Apparently later this year George will be taking the plunge. You can sign up to be the first to know although if you do they don’t send you some sort of email automatically, even a thanks for signing up, a bit of a missed opportunity.

East launches their new transactional website. The aim of the site according to their CEO is for the site to become East’s biggest store. Something that every retailer should aspire for their online real estate.
Full story on e-consultancy.
We do love a good statistic here and here’s a few to mull over …
90 per cent of adults became angry and stressed at a slow or poor response via email from a companys customer service - Retail Bulletin - dealing with online enquiries
80 per cent of customers who buy online have researched in a catalogue first - Retail Bulletin - Integrated marketing fuelling ‘flick to click’ home shopping boom
Social networking at work is costing UK businesses £130 million per day! - E-consultancy, interestingly no information as yet (that I can find) about the financial benefit of social network websites.
Email volume overtakes direct mail - DMA
60% of UK online retailers provide no telephone number on their website, 43% displayed no business address, while 39% had no contact email address. In addition, 30% of sites provide no telephone number or email address. - E-consultancy
50% of shoppers won’t buy from a website without contact details - E-consultancy
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